Monday 5 February 2018

date with a deadline - Facebook posting to friend - January 2018

FACEBOOK ENTRY - January 12, 2018 -

Here is a copy of a letter I sent to a dear friend today - she has endured weeks of chemotherapy - was told she was cured of cancer. But felt undermined and helpless recently when her doctor's followup suggested the cancer may return in the future. Some of her human support have become weary (which happens) so she is feeling let down and very much alone in her struggles .....

Dear Rosemary:
I am glad you have gotten through the turmoil of your chemotherapy sessions and the resulting diagnosis of being cleared of cancer. I am sorry that in your discussion with your doctor the aspect of the cancer coming back in the future has affected you.

My mother had cancer in her 40’s. They removed most of the right side of her back ( described as fatty cell cancer), and was in remission for over 40 years - but still dealt with the cancer possibly coming back. She died of respiratory failure.
I had prostate cancer surgery in 2009. Told it was gone. It came back in 2013.
Had daily radiation therapy for 7 weeks (radiation treatments and then off to work later that day). Told it was gone and I was “cured”.
In 2016 the numbers started changing. More PSA tests. Told they did not get all the cancer and it was back.
Now we are doing more tests to see what the velocity of the disease is.

My Dad had prostate cancer but died of Parkinsons. My paternal Grandfather had prostate cancer but died of heart failure. I have prostate cancer and ….
I could have one year - five years or twenty five years… who knows.
One thing that has helped me through this journey in my life is a website of survivors at “”. It is a support site for people with chronic illnesses.
People there are long term survivors - new recruits - people starting therapy and those who have just completed their treatments. All sorts of people who you can share your journey with - seek help and advice - hug - cry … and get support at the same time.

I highly recommend you check out the site and see what area - group - would be of benefit to you. You can remain anonymousif you wish, since job security is an issue for many people.
I will be starting a new blog soon about what I am going through once the doctors / Steve and I have a discussion of the PSA numbers for my prostate cancer. What treatment / treatments are available and what would work best for me. That discussion will be with my oncologist in February.

Once again, check out this site. I feel it can be of benefit to you. They can be real-time supporters for you. People who are outside the experience can become war-weary even though they still care. They just run out of things to say and are lost as to what to do. This place can help.
Lots of love and support and hugs and best wishes and a bit of silliness thrown in for good measure.

Bronson ( aka Tatt2man on the prostate cancer support group)

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